Produced at: Sarofsky
Client: Healthy Choice
Description: Based off an existing campaign that was already produced at Sarofsky, I helped create style frames for a new Healthy Choice line of breakfast meals.
Produced at: Sarofsky
Client: Marvel Studios
Description: While freelancing at Sarofsky, I was given the amazing opportunity to pitch styleframes for the main on-end titles for “Avengers: Endgame”. My concept was a visual celebration of the past decade of Marvel movies leading up to “Endgame”. The style I chose was a painted, colorful mural look. The camera would pan and zoom across the mural to eventually pan out to show the entire mural. The talented designer, Leah Evans, helped me design some of the frames.
Produced at: Sarofsky
Client: Netflix
A few style-frames/logo explorations for the Netflix show "Love". All of my concepts involved having the show logo slightly change each episode. One idea was of "broken love" where the paper letters would slowly be torn up over the course of the season. Another idea was "the many layers of love" where each episode's title card would show the tearing of last week's title reveal the new logo. Alas, the client went in another direction with another design studio. Fun project, nonetheless!
Produced at: Sarofsky
Client: Bet Indiana
Description: With the help of Sarofsky 3D Artist, Jake Allen, I designed a few styleframes for Bet Indiana. I came up with two styles, an energetic glowy colorful style, and a darker more subtle version. (client went with the latter option) My main roles in the creation of these frames was the overall color grade, creation of environment, particle trails.
Designed a few styleframes for an updated Dr. Oz Show logo. Started with the original logo and updated the typeface and shape/colors/textures to help modernize the look.
Created style-frames for Oprah Winfrey's annual Oscar special.
A few style frames and a motion test that I designed for a title sequence pitch.
I designed and animated a custom show logo for an episode of "The Dr. Oz Show".
Worked on several style-frames for the the logo/branding of the Harpo-produced pilot "The Sex Show with Dr. Laura Berman"
Created styleframes for the OWN series "Herlarious" starring Wanda Sykes. It was a stand-up comedy special featuring female comediennes. I created logos that hinted at the fun/silly nature of the show (even creating a smiling mouth imagery with a few of the logos) Also tried a few options that highlighted the pun in the intentionally mispelled logo. (HERlarious - since all the comedians were female) We eventually went with a much simpler logo, but I had a lot of fun in this logo exploration, regardless)
"Oprah's Favorite Things" was the annual "Oprah Winfrey Show" TV special where Oprah would give away gifts to her studio audience. After the talk show ended, they wanted to continue the annual event on the Oprah Winfrey Network and Oprah magazine, but wanted a new fresh logo. The typeface I used in the new logo matches the original logo. I also used the Bodoni O that has almost become the symbol for Oprah. A red ribbon was the final visual nod to the "gift-giving" theme of Oprah's Favorite Things. I also worked on the Oprah Favorite Things 2012 Special. Click here to view the animated bumpers for that show.
When Oprah decided to tour the country to speak about her life, I was one of the designers tasked with coming up with a logo for it. At one point, we were asked to incorporate an acorn into the logo. (since an acorn tree has a lot of personal meaning to Oprah)
Worked with designer Brandon Newman on a logo for a segment on "The Rosie Show" on OWN.
Worked with designer Brandon Newman on a segment logo for "The Rosie Show". I took Brandon's 2D logo and turned it into a 3D logo in Cinema 4D and then composited/colored it. The logo appeared on the set monitors during the show.
With the help of animator/designers John Long and Matt Fultz, we updated look/animation for the Harpo Films logo. The new logo appeared in front of such films like "Selma" and "The 100 Foot Journey".
One of the several promo graphic looks I designed for "The Nate Berkus Show".
I worked on a branding campaign for Harpo/OWN and all of the various Oprah-owned companies to help make them feel more connected to each other. Part of the project included coming up with "swag" such as t-shirts, bags, and water bottles.
I mocked up logos for a promotional campaign for the Oprah Winfrey Network.
Created styleframes/boards for "The Rosie Show" title sequence produced at Harpo Studios. Client ended up going in another direction for the title sequence (which I also worked on - see MOTION section)
Designed and animated a logo for an episode of "The Dr. Oz Show"
Designed and animated a logo for an episode of "The Dr. Oz Show"
I designed a wall mural for one of the hallways at Harpo Studios. The colored rings are actually the "O" from the Oprah Winfrey Network logo. The colors are based off the Harpo Studios colors. I worked with a team of 12 employees to paint the mural, and print/mount the photos (of OWN shows).
Worked on styleframes/boards for a 30 second commercial pitch for RBC Royal Bank. I worked with the in-house design team at Optimus to come up with boards to pitch to the client.